One of my hens is ill. She showed signs of distress just before I went out of town for job training, and she looked worse upon my return on Thursday evening. I phoned our vet, but of course they don't treat chickens, but they DO have a liquid to treat coccidiosis, which we determined my hen does NOT have.
Robyn, preening her feathers, before becoming ill last week. |
I had several options which could be costly, but the first to try as far as I was concerned, is twice a day Penicillin injections. The recommended dosage for a laying hen is 1/4 cc....and so, I caught Robyn quite easily and was able to administer the dosage into her thigh muscle with little trouble. The vet said that bacterial infections are easily cured within a few days with help of Penicillin. I hope this does the trick!
Shooting UP!
the ChickenWrangler
Poor baby!! None of my vets treat chickens either and it makes it very hard to help them when you have nobody to guide you. I sure hope you baby is ok.
Poor baby!! None of my vets treat chickens either and it makes it very hard to help them when you have nobody to guide you. I sure hope you baby is ok.
Oh no! I sure hope the penicillin helps her!
Welcome home!! Oh how sad..I hope robin gets to feeling better..maybe she is moping because Lizzie is getting all the attention.That was Roo-Roo's idea..
He has been trying to get up the nerve to talk to Lizzy..I do believe he was all feathers..and now he has to do something about
Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
Oh, I do hope she feels better soon. I don't like it when any of our animals aren't healthy.
Becky K.
It would be so hard to determine when a chick isn't well I would glad you caught it.
Hope your job training is over, and that you're settling in comfortably to your new position, and liking it!
Sure hope she is feeln' better soon.
I do hope that she gets better soon! I can't imagine trying to give a chicken a shot in their thigh! Not sure if I could do it myself.
Get well soon!
Oh, feel better, Robyn :-(
I hope she feels better soon. I'm sure its not easy to give an injection to a chicken.
I hope this works. I'm sorry she's sick and hope she's better soon!
I hope your sweet girl gets better soon. I'm like you, I get so attached to my animals that when something happens to them, it upsets me. I have a canary and her cage is by my computer. I talk to her when I am here on the computer. She acts like she understands what I say to her. Keep us posted on Robyn. Love & blessings from NC!
Best wishes for Robyn's speedy recovery! How's Lizzy????
Hope she get s better with the shots - do you have any idea what it is exactly?
Healing thoughts coming your way sweet chicken!
I'm sorry to hear one of your girls is so poorly.
Feel better soon Robyn!
hope the shots make a difference. rose
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