http://wvtreasures.blogspot.com |
Today I'm joining in Tuesdays' Show & Tail at West Virginia Treasures. Show & Tail is all about sharing your pet pictures, creature features, and anything animal you may have heard about or experienced! To link in at Angela's blog and meet other animal lovers, go to the web site given below the peacock... (my blogger link doesn't seem to be working this morning for some reason....gr-r-r-r!)
Pysanky |
Several years ago I rented the upstairs of a farm house in Polo, Illinois. It was a great setting, and the friend I rented from owned a variety of animals. Among them, several peacocks. Beautiful birds, both male and female. My mother created beautiful Pysanky - (Ukrainian Eater Eggs), and was looking for different types of eggs to practice her crafting skills, so naturally I asked for some unhatched eggs to mail back to mom in Michigan.
Autumn Splendor |
We waited until October, then collected a nice clutch of eggs. It was a frosty cold morning the day I transported those eggs in the back seat of my car to go looking for a suitable size box to mail them in once I blew out the contents of each egg. I turned the heat on in my little Hyundai as I wound around country roads, enjoying the scenery. Suddenly, I heard a sound like a gun-shot! Then another - and another - it sounded more like a war zone just a short moment later! I couldn't imagine what was going on - there was debris flying everywhere! I quickly stopped my car at the side of the road, and I smelled the most horrid scent that gave me a clue as to what was occurring - ROTTEN EGGS! I opened the car door and flung all those eggs, exploding or not, out onto the side of the road as quickly as I could! GROSS! There was a woman raking the leaves in her yard, and she must have thought I was a crazy person or something, the way the eggs went flying out of my car!
Later on, I got "The Rest of the Story" from my friend. Apparently the eggs were laid during the hot part of summer, and the heat "cooked" the eggs. With the frosty temps we'd gotten during the past few days, the eggs froze, and when I turned the heater on in my car, it caused expansion of the inner egg contents, and then BOOM! I suppose I should be thankful the eggs were cooked - if they weren't, it would have been much harder to clean out my car after the disaster!
Enjoy your day today -
The Chicken Wrangler
wow! what a story. the smell of rotten eggs is terrible. did you have any problems getting rid of the smell? rose
I didn't know that could happen! Good thing it happened on your way to the post office instead of after you mailed them! hehehe
Tuesdays' Show & Tail!
That was such a good story -- you have such great adventures - you ought to record them.
I didn't know eggs could do that.
Funny story! I bet that was scary! Hearing those eggs explode like that! Great post today! Anne
Ewwww! At least they didn't explode all over you.
Oh how horrible. And to think you were about to blow on those rotten eggs!!! We learned to blow the contents out of eggs in our jr. high home ec class. I loved it!!
Becky K.
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